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Trailblazers 1

When I first began my serious study of mediumship, I read about various old-time mediums and psychical research. These mediums were true pioneers. They blazed a trail through previously unknown and largely unacknowledged spiritual territory and have made it possible for mediums to be what they are today.

Their stories have been inspiring to me and remind me to never stop learning, never stop growing as a medium. And I hope they will inspire you to new spiritual heights as well. This series will be called ‘Trailblazers.’

So let us begin . . . this blog’s first featured Trailblazer: Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)

Swedenborg was a well-respected Swedish scientist, astronomer, and engineer of international repute, who, at age 55 developed mediumistically and conversed daily and at great length with evolved spirits, had experiences with ectoplasm and did astral travel in the spirit realms.

He wrote several books describing his experiences, and explaining the philosophy taught to him by his spirit teachers. They gave much information regarding the spirit world and it's occupants, which was to be substantially confirmed by the later revelations of mediums.

Some of his mediumistic teachings include:

  • The Spirit world is in a number of concentric spheres, each with its own density and inhabitants.
  • Life in Spirit is similar to that on the Earth plane, with houses, churches, schools, etc. The process of death is aided by Angels (good spirits).
  • The process of ‘death’ does not change internal nature.
  • There is no such thing as eternal punishment. Those who find themselves in ‘darkness’ after death can work their way towards something higher.
  • Marriage is a form of spiritual union which is continued in the Spirit world (if both souls desire it).
  • Those who die old or diseased regain their youth and health in the Spirit world.

Although I don’t agree with all of Swedenborg’s philosophies, I feel that he had tremendous impact on the study and practice of mediumship. After all, he was the first to present a modern cosmological description of the various planes of spirit. Also, because of his social standing, integrity, and education, he was able to bring spirit teachings to a great number of people, especially during a time period when such teachings were unheard of.

Several writers were influenced by him --- including William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, William Blake, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, August Strindberg, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Charles Baudelaire, Balzac, Immanuel Kant, William Butler Yeats, Goethe, and Carl Jung. The theologian Henry James Sr was also a follower of his teachings, as were Johnny Appleseed and Helen Keller.

“I am well aware that many will say that no one can possibly speak with spirits and angels so long as he lives in the body; and many will say that it is all fancy, others that I relate such things in order to gain credence, and others will make other objections.” --- Emanuel Swedenborg


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