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Listening to Your Inner Guide, Part 4

...continued from Listening to Your Inner Guide, Part 3

As I mentioned in Part 3, when you feel a sense of peace and power coming over you, you are now in contact with your inner guide. Keep that in mind as read the following.

As you begin to listen to your inner voice, you may hear TWO or more "voices." (And no, I'm not talking about those kinds of voices!! *smile*)

Inner voices are not any different from those we hear when we talk to ourselves --- basically an inner dialogue. Because we are taking two sides of a conversation, we seem to hear two voices. When we ask ourselves what to do about this or that, the answer we hear is our "voice" speaking. Usually the stronger and first to respond voice, expresses fear about the situation. It pre-judges the situation and may include logic. The second voice is usually calm and quiet. Offering reassurance, telling you to be patient.

Let me give you an example. It's a very simplistic model, so work with me here...

Let's say that you're traveling overnight and you didn't make reservations at any of the hotels in the area. So you're trying to decide what to do about finding a hotel for the evening. You may ask yourself "Is this the one? Often, the answer will come right away. "Yes. Stop at this hotel. This is a good one."

You can see it's a good hotel, but it's not enough. Is this the right one? So you wait and ask again, "Should I stop here?" You then hear a second voice speaking more slowly and not giving instructions. It would probably say, "Why do you want to stop here?" You would most likely answer, "Because this hotel is nice, and I'm afraid that I won't find another."

Then the thought comes from the second voice, " my decision based on fear? What do I really want? Do I really want to drive a few hours more? Am I tired? Am I hungry? Is this really where I want to stop? What is my real reason for wanting to stop here? Fear? Peace? Compromise?"

When you decide that fear WILL NOT be the basis for your decision and continue on, the second voice will say..."You will now find a better place." And you will!!!

After practice, and as you continue in this process, the first voice starts to be quiet most of the time and the second voice will become more evident. The Number 1 voice will be only an occasional interruption, and the calm-sounding, gentle, number two will always be there. Eventually, the second voice becomes the primary voice!

You now have some ways to discern the difference between fear and your TRUE inner guide. Isn't this exciting?


Unknown said…
Hi Willa,

How do you distinguish between your inner guide and other guides or God in your meditations, especially when you are seeking advice?

Willa said…
Hi Bob,

In my meditations, I sense my inner guide as a soft, calming voice from within. Spirit guides feel outside of my self and my energies, much the same way people on the earth plane feel outside of my self. And God feels like cosmic consciousness to me, that sense of connection with all things great and small -- a blending of my energy with the most wonderful and powerful Divine force imaginable.

Of course, each person experiences things in their own way. I believe that as you continue to practice experiencing awareness of your inner guide and spirit guides and God, you will discern differences for yourself. As you have already.

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