Before doing the following mind focus exercise, please read the other posts Mind Focus and Mind Focus Exercise: The Rose.
For those of you who enjoy achieving goals, this one is for you!
- Set a timer for one minute.
- Hold one thought in your mind (such as the Rose image from the previous mind focus exercise).
- If any thoughts other than the image intrude, return to the image. Each random thought that enters the mind is given a number.
- When one minute is up, see how many random thoughts you had in those 60 seconds.
The goal is to have a very low number. As you practice, you may go from 25 random thoughts, to 14, to 2!!! It’s difficult, but it works!
To make this easier, let your logic space of the brain do the counting. [It will be like a little gnome off to the side recording your random thoughts with hashmarks on a chalkboard.] This allows your visualization space of the brain to hold the image.
This exercise is way for you to gage your unneccessary mental chatter, so you can fine-tune your mind focus skills.