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Flashes of light

I am a medium, so I 'see' things. *smile* Well, every now and then, I see a small light. (And I don't mean an orb or a light flying around the room like Tinkerbell.) I am talking about a small pinprick of light that remains stationary and lasts for 2-3 seconds. It resembles a star from the night sky, albeit a very miniature one.

This little 'flash of light' is a spirit.

Sometimes I see a 'flash of light' (or a miniature star) around clients during readings --- either near the client's chair or in another part of the room. Also, I remember seeing them in a museum, on the trail in the woods, here at home, and at church.

When I see that pinprick of light, I focus on asking the spirit to provide me with more information and to share their essence. Much like seeing spirit in side vision, it's a way that we can perceive those in spirit.

These flashes of light are just another way for spirit loved ones to communicate that they are with us. In fact, some of my clients have mentioned seeing them as well.

Have you seen spirit lights this way?


Nina said…
I tend to see various colored "halo's" around people when I'm talking to them. The lights you've described, come mainly at night and I see shadow movements during the day. The other thing is that for all my memory, I never see black. When I close my eyes or when I've been in caves and they turn the lights out to show "black" I always see "colored lights". I used to take it as: my eyes playing tricks on me... or an over active imagination. But then I sometimes just "know things". I'll be talking with someone and images or words or knowledge pop into my head for no apparent reason. My fear is more of apprehension than fear of being hurt or that this is bad. Usually there is a peaceful calming affect (once I'm over the startle of seeing something or knowing something)..
My friend and your site are helping me realize I'm not alone with this... I've always pushed it away, but can't any more... There is mystery in, with and through the Devine. Thank you for sharing and posting, your blog is and has been very helpful and inspiring. Love and Light, Nina P
Willa said…
Thanks for sharing, Nina! I agree, seeing a halo aura around people is fun too. In my experience, spiritual light can radiate in a halo-effect around people's heads, especially when they are exhibiting intuitive awareness.
Anonymous said…
Hi Willa,

I've been wanting ask you about this as I see these quite often. I have read that it is spirit and I have also read that I need to get to an eye doctor! I am curious about the orbs though. I can agree quite often they are dust particles on your pictures but I have some pictures I took and these are definitely not dust particles. Thank you for your wonderful blog and hope to see you on my next trip to Lilydale 2010.
Lynn T.
Willa said…
Hi, Lynn T

Speaking of eye doctors, check out my latest blogpost -

Regarding orbs, I do agree that dust particles and other light sources are frequently mistaken for spirit orbs in photos. I personally have only seen a handful of photos where I believe spirit truly manifested.

Warm Regards,
Anonymous said…
Hello, My name is Gloria, and I've also seen these beautiful spirit lights, and they are so beautiful, they are a mystery, and also divine. But I don't see them anymore, don't know why, but Maybe I will see one one day again.
Anonymous said…
I'd like to know, are the ones you see a strange shade of intense, gold light? I see these things late at night once and a while. Looked into all kinds of eye disorders. None seem to match what this is and my optometrist said my eyes are in perfect health. They don't move with the motion of my eyes or any thing either. And not on the edges of my vision. Can actually see these things floating around and behind things. Some times they scare me half to death because they just come out of no where and there's so many of them. Way more than I can count. It almost looks as if they're drifting through water. I'm actually on here because it just happened again tonight and instead of the usual 1 or 2 minutes tops, it lasted for about 5 minutes this time. Normally I shut my eyes and they'll go away fairly quick. But they stayed there every time I opened them until the dots of light just kind of vanished one at a time. I'm not on any drugs, hate alcohol, even dislike over the counter meds like Tylenol. Not a super spiritual person but my analytical side has just about run out of ideas on this.
Anonymous said…
The blog is really nice one and full of information we appreciate the kind of information you have provided in this post. The information are useful for all of us and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for this wonderful information.

Anonymous said…
My daughter awoke the other night, and while planning to read a while decided to close her eyes and try to sleep. Suddenly she sees like 2 flashes of light through her eyes are closed, she then opens her eyes sand sees an engulfing whitest white light that surrounds the room, it only lasted a couple of seconds. It is the first Tim this has happened to her.
I pray every night and envision God, Jesus, Mary and all the enlightened Spirits to surround her house, angels to make a fence shield around the house to keep any harm away from her , I also envision a protective light that hovers above and surrounds the entire space above and around the house.
Could my prolonged prayers have anything to do with her seeing this light?
Willa said…
Dear Anonymous (Apr 7, 2012):

How wonderful! Yes, your daughter is ready to perceive the Divine Light that has always been around her and the healing light you send in your prayers. Such a blessing!

Peace & Light,
Maca said…
Hi Hilla,

I came across you blog while searching for information regarding flashes of light and the possibility of them being spirit guardians.

Last week I was at home near my bedroom when I suddenly saw a white flash of light right in front of me, which lasted a second or so. It was very similar to a camera flash. It was so intense it lighted the whole room and was very notorious because it was night time. My boyfriend was in another room so he didn’t see anything.

Of course it was not a camera flash. I have blackout screens and none of the windows face the street. I am sure the light came from within the room. I have lived in the same house for over a decade and had never experienced anything like this before.

After discarding the obvious I was still trying to find out what could have caused the flash. Then I remembered it was the passing away anniversary of a beloved aunt of mine (4 years).

I strongly feel it is a spiritual being as I never felt scared. Quite the contrary, I felt peaceful. Remembering the date made me feel good. I don’t know how to explain it. It was a general feeling of balance and love.

Yesterday I was looking for online information in this regard at the office. While reading about spiritual guardians I saw the same phenomena: a white flash of light one or two meters away from me. No one else was near at the time. I have worked in the same place (the same desk, actually) for several years and had never seen flashes before.

Seeing a flash of light at the exact moment I was reading about spirit guardians cannot be a mere coincidence…

I would really like to understand this phenomenon better.

Loved you blog : )


Jenny said…
Hi Willa

I have been doing chakra meditations every day for about a month now and trying to develop my psychic abilities which there have been quite a few. I get messages in my dreams since childhood, have astral traveled since my early teens and have talked to a spirit that scared the heck out of me that I prayed would never happen again - and it never did. Now after Praying on the new moon it all started coming back to me - gradually - I asked this time that I not be afraid.
Almost 2 weeks ago, I saw my 3rd eye floating in some white fluffy clouds - it was a light pinkish purple in color - I was so excited - I wasn't expecting that. Yesterday I was speaking to a religious client who always tries to get me to go to church with her - this time she just started talking about frequenting psychics out of the blue - I was surprised!
She left for a few hours and came back to purchased something. She was facing me and on her right side was a huge flash of white light - like a flashbulb light. At first I thought I had imagined it, but it happened again. I said, "did you see that flash of light?" She and my employer didn't see it - just me... Later that night, it happened in my bedroom... I wasn't sure what it was so I contacted a friend - and then googles it. From what I've read hear - it was a flash of light from spirit. Does this mean that I will eventually be able to see spirits in their form? I am so excited to be on this spiritual journey - looking forward to more experiences...

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