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Lessons from a Child: Sleep Smiles

My baby son is normally a good sleeper, make that a great sleeper. But last night, he was restless and kicking his blankets off and sputtering his I'm-tired-but-teething-hurts cry.

To a mommy, this is like receiving the Batman signal, so there I was 'Mommy to the Rescue'. I would hold him and nurse him into sweet dream oblivion. And just when I had saved the day [or night], he would wake again. Poor little one.

Like most of us when we are feeling fractious from pain, my son felt entitled to be comforted. And he was a fixture in my arms almost all night.

So there I was pulling Mom-duty, thinking about how I was grateful that he didn’t do this every night and thinking about how early humans dealt with their babies. After all, one ill-timed cry when a predator was nearby and goodbye next generation. Seriously, how did we as a species survive teething babies?

When I gingerly ease him back onto his bed and I remove my arms from him, he intuitively and instinctually knows this and objects. [Doesn’t he know that he’s giving away our location to the saber-toothed tiger just outside the cave?]

And the routine starts again. I comfort and hold him until he looks like he’s asleep again [finally]. As he nestles against me with his eyes closed and body half-limp, I am thinking about various things.

I eventually notice that when my thoughts are negative and self-pitying he frowns and squirms in his sleep. And when my thoughts are positive and understanding, he smiles. To test this, I alternate my positive and negative thoughts randomly and his expressions correctly correspond each time.

Wow! This is Spiritual Natural Law at work right before my eyes. There is a higher intelligence eavesdropping on my inner dialogue. The universe is paying attention to the quality of my thoughts and so is my sleeping [and supposedly unconscious] child.

And then I remember what I had recently explained to someone: As a mother I am connected to my child on a cellular level and especially on a soul level. His body and soul have developed and grown in harmony with my body and soul and we are vibrationally linked--- my light and his light unite.

This is another reason he sleeps best when he can feel the thrum of my heartbeat under his head and my breath softly kissing his head. He can reach his hand out and find me, find comfort. He knows this and reminds me that my job [and my joy] is to comfort him.

And in his sleep, he smiles. That little son of gun, he knows that I’ve figured it out.


Anonymous said…
You know, I used to notice the same thing with my daughter when she was very young -- i remember that I could never meditate during her naps, because EVERYTIME i would get into that 'zen den' she would wake up -- even if it was 3am! [don't ask me why i am meditating at 3am] It was like my thoughts literally woke her up!

I always thought that was strange -- but it really makes sense that the psychic connection is still so close after birth....

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