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Day of the Dead

On this day, family and friends gather to pray for and remember loved ones in Spirit. Even though this holiday is celebrated in many countries of the world (including the United States and Mexico), it is not a holiday that I am familiar with personally.

I am very interested in what I have read about this holiday, especially because it revolves around one of my favorite topics: Spirit Communication.

This holiday actually takes place on two days. On November 1, deceased children and infants are honored on what is called the "Day of the Innocents" (or Day of the Little Angels). And on November 2, the adults are honored on the "Day of the Dead".

What I find most interesting about this holiday is that many people believe that during the Day of the Dead it is easier for the souls of the departed to visit with the living. People actually flock to cemetaries to communicate with their Spirit loved ones. [Spirit communication on a grand scale - awesome!]

On this one day (or two days, depending on how you look at it), people believe that their loved ones in Spirit will hear the prayers, requests, and comments directed to them. To facilitate the discussion, they build private altars stocked with candles and the favorite foods and drinks of the departed, as well as photos and special objects of their loved ones ---all in the hopes of encouraging Spirit Communication.

Many celebrants recall funny events and share stores about their loved ones. Some have picnics at the gravesites. Some spend all night beside the graves of their loved ones --- and may even bring extra pillows and blankets for the deceased so they can rest after their long journey.

The Catholic church and some other Christian churches have a similar observance of these holidays (All Saints Day and All Souls Day), but without the same kinds of devotions of the Day of the Dead.

It would be interesting to speak with someone who celebrates the Day of the Dead. If you have personal experience with celebrating the Day of the Dead and have experienced spirit communication because of it, I would be interested in your story.


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