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Lessons from a Child: Stumbling

Because of his new found mobility, it is necessary for my toddler son to wear shoes occasionally. I prefer him to be barefoot, but if shoes must happen that he at least wear soft shoes that do not inhibit his foot growth, so he mainly wears moccasins.

However, due to the recent wet weather and resulting big puddles, I put thick-soled shoes on his feet. I might as well have hobbled him. It was worse than watching someone trying to walk in high heels for the first time.

Because he enjoys the momentum and the journey of walking so much, he keeps trying. And today I am proud to tell you that he exhibits ever-increasing dexterity, balance, and confidence when he walks in the thick-soled shoes. He stills trips up from time to time as he toddles along, but he doesn't let his stumbles dampen his adventuring spirit.

Somehow he knows that minor spills are no big deal and any major spills [complete with heartbreaking *gulp* tears and ice when necessary] are temporary as well. And while he appreciates his mommy comforting him, he eventually is bored with being in pain or miserable, pulls himself back to standing, and moves quickly into a confident gait again.

My son is one of my mentors. He is teaching me to shake off situations in which I have 'stumbled'. Before him, I used to make myself unnecessarily unhappy for slight trip-ups on my life path by reviewing them in my mind over and over. Now, I affirm that I release the past easily and gracefully.

When we try something new for the first time, we may stumble, much like my son. As we gain confidence and experience, we learn to walk our path with greater ease. Occasionally, we have temporary set-backs. When new experiences are presented, look at them as opportunities for growth. My son gets back up and tries again and so can you and I!


Nina said…
Such a wonderful post again. We can learn so much from the young. Their innocence and sense of adventure and determination are astounding. Thank you for reminding us that the lessons is in the journey. Love and Light, Nina P.

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