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Heightened Awareness

Perhaps it's because I am a "sensitive" but I regularly go through phases of (what I call) "Heightened Awareness".  During those times, I have increased sensitivity to my external environment, especially to the vibrations and emotions of people, places, and energies.

When I am in a phase of Heightened Awareness, I tend to be easily stirred up energetically and emotionally.  I FEEL intensely.  This can serve me well in my work as a medium and spiritual intuitive, but in everyday life it can become exhausting or jangling.  This is why I diligently strive for balance with my energy.

For when I feel energetically jangled, I can easily move into a state of Hypersensitivity.  Noises, loud voices, and bright lights can overstimulate me.  The least little thing can upset my apple cart emotionally.  I crave silence and solitude.  I suppose it's like having a migraine without the physical pain. 

This is another reason I strive for balance and right practice of my spiritual gifts.  And this is also why I monitor myself so closely so that I don't get overloaded.  Thankfully, I know how to recognize my particular signs and have coping measures in place.

I am blessed to live in Lily Dale where we have beautiful Cassadaga Lake and many trails in an old-growth forest.  So when I am overloaded, my number one coping stategy is walking alone in nature.  I hit those trails and it's just me and the trees. 

Like a zooming telescopic lens, I see the minutest details of leaves, spiderwebs, rocks, treebark, water ripples, etc.  I hear the soft thud of my footfalls on the trails, the sweet whoosh of the wind through the trees, and the geese honking and flapping over the brilliant lake waters.  I let my thoughts and feelings tumble out of me. 

With each step, I feel a release, and I become calm and enamored with Nature.  I am refocused into BEING.  And I move from a hypersensitive jangled state into a place of Peace where I can joyfully and compassionately respond to God and others. 

I hope that my sharing this in a blogpost will help you and others move through your lives in a more peaceful (and centered awareness) state.  For easy reference, here are some of my other coping strategies that I have blogged about in the past - including Spiritual Food, My Affirmation of Peace, Giving Thanks, Practicing the Presence of God, and many more.

Wishing you a centered awareness and much peace! ~W


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