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Doors of happiness

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." ~ Helen Keller

Sometimes in life we dwell on unhappy events. We despair, we worry, and we keep ourselves tortured by thoughts of the past AND the future. We analyze, we evaluate, we go over the scenario, we pick it apart in the hopes of understanding. The remnants resemble pulverized dust, crumbles of thought.

In regard to past events, I feel this is our way of determining our levels of responsibility, guilt, victimhood, and understanding. Perhaps it becomes a wish to hit the rewind button. Or the way to have the fantasy of replaying the events in a better way. Or a way of "making sure it NEVER happens again".

In regard to future events, we bring our fears of future outcome, reliving past feelings of mis-takes, and dreading what we "expect" might or might not happen. Just like little children who have learned that the stove is HOT, we remember and fear being burned. When we do this, we are living from energetic memory stored in our bodies and minds.

Then you have the people had it soooo good at one phase in time, that they don't think they can be that happy ever again. They focus on that point as the pinnacle of their happiness and everything is downhill from there. For example (a simplistic one, but it works) when people say "the day we got married was the happiest day of my life"---well, that doesn't say much for the years of marriage that come after, does it?

As Spiritualists, we know that we create our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey the physical and spiritual laws of Nature (aka Spiritual Natural Law). Dwelling on fears or disappointments of the past or future engages the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, the Law of Creative Reality, etc. Simply put, we attract to us what we bring our attention to. I have seen this happen in my own life, time and time again. It's tried and true, folks.

Happiness begets more happiness. In this case, lightning (figuratively speaking) can strike more than once. [Interesting to note: Statistically speaking, a person who is struck by lightning (real lightning) is twice as likely to be struck again. But, back to the case at hand...] Life provides many opportunities for happiness.

Bottomline: Living from the point and place of NOW is difficult when when we dwell on closed doors. Don't be blind to the opportunities for happiness TODAY --- open your soul to the beautiful possibilities and NOW becomes easy.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the reminder. Living in the moment, chosing to find happiness, not visiting the past, and not looking at the closed door but the incredible opportunity of the door about to open is sometimes difficult. It takes practice. I needed this today.

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