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Too much time with technology gadgets?

So you think you spend too much time with technology ---- hmmm, you may be right.

In the past century, we have come a long way in communications. We have welcomed televisions, computers, and cell phones into almost every home in America. These technologies have virtually taken over our lives and almost every room of homes.

For some, this represents progress and ways of staying connected with our friends and family around the world. For others, these technologies represent a disturbing replacement of face-to-face communication. For still others, technology is a bad word synonomous with robot takeovers and mindless human zombies with eyes glued to the lit-up screen.

Well, I thought I would share a few of my thoughts regarding technology's effects on mediumship/spiritual development with you.

I have used all of those implements I listed above (television, cell phone, & computer). In fact, I am using one right now to communicate with you via this blog. Technology can assist me in certain arenas and has a place in my life (at this time).

However, technology has its limits (of course).

When you are developing mediumship, you are involved in attunement with Nature, God, and Spirit. None of those are technology-based.

Certain spiritual websites, blogs, and media programs can assist you on your soul journey. Afterall, words of wisdom and spiritual examples are helpful. However, none of these can replace right practice, right intention, and the importance of attunement in mediumship development.

Some other things to consider with high-level technology use:

  • Do you obsessively check your voicemails/emails/texts? Set a reasonable time limit on your technology use. Spend time with the people you are in the physical presence of.

  • Do you fill every minute to the extent that you can't sit quietly when you find yourself with some downtime? Focus on communication with your soul. Become comfortable with spending time with your own thoughts. Perhaps a daily meditation routine would help you cope with stress, find spiritual solutions, and experience comfort.

  • Are you sitting up almost every night in front of the television watching reality shows and/or crime dramas? Vegging out like this with mindless antics and/or fear-producing images is not helpful. For attunement to the Highest and Best, I have found that quiet time with family, reading, journaling, and other methods of unwinding produce healthy sleep and a healthy mindset.

  • Speaking of sleep ... Are you sleeping well at night? Getting good and deep sleep is important. Some of the best spirit visitations happen during deep natural sleep. When you are well-rested, you have clarity of mind (needed for good strong mediumship). What is your proximity to electronic devices? The electric and magnetic frequencies of alarm clocks, TV or computer monitors, and cell phones all have a physiological effect on you. Is it dark in your sleeping area? Darkness is vastly important for your body cycle and circadian rhythm.

In my own life, I have noticed the vast difference between my days of high-technology use and my days of little to no technology use. When I have set aside and/or used technology in moderation, I grow my relationships in accordance with Spiritual Natural Law and attune myself to awareness of God.

Bottomline: Strive for moderation in all things, especially (in this case) technology. I strongly encourage you to evaluate this for yourself. We LEARN from interaction with other souls. We need prayerful solitude to CONNECT with the quiet voice within. We THRIVE when we have a good balance.


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