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Miraculous survival in Haiti

I would be remiss if I didn't mention some of my thoughts regarding the Haitian survivors of the earthquake, especially this survivor . . .

One survivor, a 16 year old girl, was pulled from the rubble in Port-au Prince more than TWO WEEKS after the earthquake. She is a surprise for the doctor who said that her survival was medically inexplicable.
We cannot really explain this because that's just [against] medical facts," Dr Evelyne Lambert said. "We are very surprised by the fact that's she alive . . . She's saying that she's been under the ground since" Jan 12.

One who didn’t seem surprised was the girl’s mother, a poor rice-and-vegetable peddler.

“I never thought she was dead,” Kerline Dorcant, 39, said. “I always thought she was alive. It’s God” hearing a mother’s nonstop prayers, she said.
I think her mother is absolutely correct. It's God. Divine right timing and divine right order. With 90% of the buildings destoyed in Port-au Prince and uncounted thousands of people "entombed in a landscape of broken and heaped-up concrete, wood and metal," prayers and divine intervention made this girl's survival possible.

Divine intervention came in the form of a French search team that refused to go home when others did. The French rescue squad was brought in after neighbors heard a voice weakly calling from the rubble and alerted authorities.

Prayers came from a faithful mother and all of us. I've been keeping Haiti in my prayers and thoughts each day, as I'm sure many of you have. This girl's astonishing rescue is a moment of joy in a grieving city and a reminder of miraculous life for everyone.

As a side note: If you are looking for a GREAT organization to donate money or supplies for Haiti, I personally recommend The Mission of Love. It is a humanitarian-aid organization that provides disaster relief and assistance to third world countries and the US. It was among one of the first responders to Hurricane Katrina. To see what the Mission of Love is already doing for the Hope for Haiti Relief, click here to watch it on You-Tube.

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