Q: What happens during astral travel?
A: During astral travel or an out-of-body experience, the soul stays attached to the body via an energetic bond (aka the Silver Cord) and can safely travel great physical and dimensional distances.
Astral travel can occur during altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, coma, or dreaming. I have noticed that sometimes people with Alzheimer's or dementia will astral travel, too.
When I look at people in these kinds of altered states, I will occasionally see their soul hovering slightly above their physical bodies. Other times, I just know they are not "in" their bodies.
The soul of an unconscious or dreaming person can astral travel to visit special people and places; it may even toe-dip on the "other side". Clients have reported visitations from a loved one or told me of their visits to others. Puts a whole new spin on the concept of teleportation, doesn't it?
A: During astral travel or an out-of-body experience, the soul stays attached to the body via an energetic bond (aka the Silver Cord) and can safely travel great physical and dimensional distances.
Astral travel can occur during altered states of consciousness, such as meditation, coma, or dreaming. I have noticed that sometimes people with Alzheimer's or dementia will astral travel, too.
When I look at people in these kinds of altered states, I will occasionally see their soul hovering slightly above their physical bodies. Other times, I just know they are not "in" their bodies.
The soul of an unconscious or dreaming person can astral travel to visit special people and places; it may even toe-dip on the "other side". Clients have reported visitations from a loved one or told me of their visits to others. Puts a whole new spin on the concept of teleportation, doesn't it?