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Weather prediction 2

At this time of year, weather is the hot topic (um, COLD topic). We're talking snow, sleet, rain, and the many other weather conditions that Old Man Winter can pile upon us poor souls in western New York State. Throw extremely high winds into the mix and you've got yourself one heck of a storm.

And now, a 'Big Storm' has been making it way across the country, hitting people from Arizona, the Mid-West and others, and heading to my place in the world. Friends and family kept calling and giving weather updates. "Over two feet of snow coming our way starting Wednesday night into Thursday morning." [Yes, I wrote two feet.]

I had somewhere to go first thing yesterday morning, so I was being extra vigilant about the weather. As my husband kissed me goodbye, he cautioned me to drive carefully.

As I drove, I kept thinking, "what a beautiful day!" The roads were clear and sunshine was beaming all around me. I started allowing my imagination to play and I began calling it 'Sunshine Snow'. This must be how it is for those folks in Florida, aka the Sunshine State. I found myself thinking, "Where is the storm that everyone is talking about?"

And I admit that I started to mock the weather guys, again. Just a little bit. I love making fun of weather prediction. People get so excited about it.

Let's face it --- as human beings, we love future prediction. We like to be able to control and prepare for events. Special radar technology that tracks storms will tell us the path. No one is right 100% of the time, but we still expect them to be.

People think that I'm going to tell them the future. This is not what I do. I am a medium. And sessions with mediums are NOT for future-telling or fortune-telling. Mediumship readings are for spirit contact with those who have crossed over. As to what comments your spirit loved ones may make on your present circumstances and future, see this post Spirit loves ones & the future.

There are higher probabilities of outcome based on past history and the energy of the present moment, however, nothing is 100% certain. We should not give into the idea of a bygone conclusion.

We each have free will to choose our reactions to events, people, and situations. Our reactions create our reality (past, present, AND future). This is part of living in accordance with Spiritual Natural Law. We create our future. We contribute to the weather, the world, and to each other.

Update on the storm: It spent extra time visiting in Buffalo NY before making its way to my town. By that evening, snow had begun falling from the sky in great swooshes.

While the veil of snow obscured the sky, I slept. And this morning, I shoveled snow 13 inches deep off the sidewalk and out of my driveway while more snowflakes poured from the sky. Blizzard conditions achieved. Just on a 24 hour delay. That's how future prediction can be sometimes.

As the storm continues to make its way across the United States, I am reminded of how dust from the Sahara Desert blows across Asia over the Himalayas (the rooftop of the world) and the breezes eventually carry it around the world to you and to me.


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