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Spiritual progression is eternal and infinite

Sometimes clients will express surprise that their loved ones in Spirit are progressing, especially if they had a 'bad' experience with them. Every situation is different, but here are some scenarios.

"Are you telling me that my father, a truly evil despicable man when he was here, is becoming spiritually aware now?" Yes.

"So you are saying my mother, who ignored me and was unloving in so many ways, realizes that she loves me and is saying she wants to be loving toward me at this moment?" Yes.

"My son, who committed suicide because of his manic depression and drug problem, who cut me out of his life, is apologizing for his actions? And he is seeking a higher spiritual way of life?" Yes.

Many times, those in Spirit will indicate their increasing spiritual awareness, discuss their understanding of events during their lifetime as spiritual lessons, and take responsibility for their actions and reactions.

Whatever state of spiritual consciousness a person has when they pass, they take that with them. And they learn and grown from there.

Spiritual awareness doesn't come with a snap of the fingers. Mostly, it takes time to assimilate a new way of thinking and being. For some, it takes time to accept love in its purest form, and to allow judgement and hurt to drop away.

Life review plays a major role in assisting souls in understanding their role and the roles of others. They are given the opportunity to see and perceive events in a new and loving light. This key to letting go of emotional walls and blockades, to cutting thru all the hurt feelings.

Sometimes what we are experiencing in a mediumship reading with a Spirit loved one is the first petals of the soul opening to Love and Divine Consciousness. As new spaces become open in a soul, love blooms and love is given to the key people that the soul interacted with during their lifetime. Any love withheld, flows abundantly. Any love given, amplifies.

There is not a set time limit for life review. It's not like a soul is given six months to 'graduate' or they get kicked out. A soul's review of life takes however long it takes. (In fact, to talk about 'time' is kind of ridiculous because time doesn't really exist the way most of us perceive it here on the physical plane. But that's another conversation...) Basically, without a time limit, we have eternity to come to a better understanding of our soul's potential energy and our soul's limitless energy and love.

With eternity, comes infinite possibilities. Especially infinite possibilities of spiritual awareness. And this combination of eternity and infinity shows the almost-impossible-to-imagine vastness of the Divine and our soul.

During spirit contact, healing and comfort are common events. When a client has a new and loving way of understanding their husband, wife, father, mother, sister, brother, etc, the lines of spirit communication become filled with messages of Love. This is one of the reasons I find my work as a medium wonderful and fulfilling.

Some of the most uplifting aspects of spirit contact are: the proof of the continuity of Life (survival after so-called Death), spiritual progression is eternal and infinite, and Love never dies but instead grows in amazing abundance!!!


Unknown said…
Hi Willa,

I often come across the term "earth-bound spirits." Do you believe there is an evolutionary "slowdown" with such spirits and what do you think compels them so?

I like your take of the catharsis of sorts we all eventually go through and the emphasis on unconditional love in the less dense realms. I believe the most profound love one can experience is when a soul-to-soul interaction takes place. It is so pure and refreshing.

In Light,
Lynn said…
Hi Willa,

For more clarification for others, (I doubt you'll need it) but you may want to check out These are near death experiences that are very eye opening and are along the context of this article. As always, thank you for the "enlightening" information.
Stella said…
Bob, I like your question and had a similar one. I'm curious to know about this. Willa, I love your thoughts, as I have had them myself for my entire life, but I was always looked at as crazy by others if I ever voiced them. Thank you for voicing them!
Willa said…
Thanks for your comments. *smile* You can look for my response to your question regarding earthbound spirits in a future blogpost soon, Bob & Stella.

Blessings of Light,
Cat said…
One of the greatest areas of difference between Spiritualism and other religions is in our understanding of eternity and infinite progression.

So many religions profess eternity as something which a “loving God” damns us to endure FOREVER for whatever wrongdoing we had engaged in during our oh, so brief 70 years on earth, or as a time of eternal bliss which that loving God rewards *some* of the lucky few who were able to get it spiritually during that same oh, so brief 70 years on earth (and then we what? Stagnate for the rest of eternity?)

As spiritualists, we can experience eternity as a gift of a truly loving God—and one that allows us to continue to create ourselves into a more and more magnificent being forever and one who gives meaning to our gift of freewill by allowing us to make whatever choices we choose to make for ourselves throughout eternity, knowing we will experience the consequences of our actions free, from the coercion of the threat of eternal damnation or robbed of meaning through the vicarious atonement for our actions by someone else.

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