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Earth-bound spirits

Q: Hi Willa, I often come across the term "earth-bound spirits." Do you believe there is an evolutionary "slowdown" with such spirits and what do you think compels them so?

A: Earth-bounds spirits. Some people call these ghosts.

First, let me say --- I have been a professional medium for over a decade, so I connect with spirits regularly. That does not mean that I label myself a ghostbuster, a ghosthunter, paranormal investigator, or an exorcist. There are others who specialize in those pursuits.

Regarding "earth-bound spirits", I personally believe that spirits do NOT haunt people and places to the extent that Hollywood would have us believe. Most suspected hauntings turn out to be attributable to non-spirit events, such as air currents and overactive imaginations.

Instead of "hauntings", I encourage you to think in terms of "visitations". Spirits might visit us, but generally they don't stay around long as they have other things to do. See where are they blogpost for more clarification.

Also, sometimes what people are feeling in a so-called 'haunting' is energy buildup from a past event. Using a technique called psychometry, you can feel the energy of a person, a place, or an object. Intuitively, most of us do this anyway when we meet someone or walk into a room. Some past events can cause an intense long-lasting energy residue that some people become aware of and assume they are feeling a person who has passed over.

But back to earthbound spirits ... in my experience, this is rare. And I mean, rare. From time to time, a soul will be confused temporarily, but the evolutionary slowdown usually began during their lifetime on the physical plane.

Here are some possible reasons for their temporary confusion:

  • they are afraid that their bad actions will result in punishment of their soul in the afterlife
  • they don't 'believe' in an afterlife and they are trying desperately to maintain that illusion
  • they wish to remain on the Earth plane because of strong emotional attachments to people and/or places and they don't fully understand yet that they can continue to enjoy wonderful and fulfilling connections with those people and/or places as a Spirit (for some, this may be because of points one and/or two as stated above)

They have lost their sense of direction temporarily. Notice that I keep using the words "temporary" and "temporarily". Each soul does find the light. Eventually, like homing pigeons we all return home. We rediscover our Divine Home, our Divine Light. After all, spiritual progression is eternal and infinite.

Some people "get it"/understand this faster than others. What this means is that awareness of spiritual connection plays a big role in an individual's state of Divine consciousness and therefore in their understanding of so-called Death.

[A special note about sudden traumatic passings: Just because a person passes suddenly and/or traumatically does not mean that they don't know they are 'dead'.]


If you have a general question whose answer would benefit many people, you may submit a question any time and watch for the answer in this Blog. Email me at

I am unable to answer emails that involve requests for feedback or personal advice about a situation. If you would like guidance in your spiritual or intuitive development, please book a consultation with me, and if you need to connect with a loved one in Spirit, please book a reading.


Willa said…
Out of curiosity I just paged through a few books that I consider to be good traditional representations of how Spiritualists tend to view spirit contact ... I was looking for references to "earth-bound spirits" or "ghosts". None of them had more than a sentence or two about those particular terms, if any. Very interesting.
Nina said…
I know I hear it a lot on Ghost Whisperer.(A show that is Hollywood all over yet touches an honest string) Your explanations are always so easy to understand. I thank you for that. I know I feel the energy, the presence if you will, of loved ones around me at times. It's almost like an embrace. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Unknown said…
Thanks for the clarification, Willa. You are very good at what you do, so I tend to listen carefully to what you say.

From my own experience with a loved one, the first few weeks after learning of her passing, several, indisputable manifestations (not ghostly apparitions) occurred around me--some were even methods of contact we had agreed to do years before.

But, after a while, these began to subside and the only time anything out of the ordinary occurred was when I specifically asked in my meditations for her to just give me a little reminder that she is still with me in spirit.

One interesting attribute to this experience is that I didn't find out about her passing for some time afterwards. My guess is spirits are in a time/space continuum we don't fully understand, but can imagine, and they can continue to bless us with their presence on certain occasions or by special requests.

This, of course, would be contrary to anything "earthbound" which you explained so explicitly.

Thanks again for your insight and willingness to share it.

Anonymous said…
Please then, could you explain what is at work when many people witness apparitions at a particular location? When they are able to describe them in very similar terms, as well as hear them say similar things?
Willa said…
"When many people witness apparitions at a particular location ... (and) are able to describe them in similar terms, as well as hear them" sounds like a case of spirit visitation/spirit contact perceived by clairvoyance and clairaudience.

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