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Lily Dale Children's Acre

One of the organizations I am involved with in Lily Dale is the Children's Committee.  I thought I would share what we have been doing... especially because I am the chairperson of the committee *smile*

Early on in Lily Dale's history, this community understood the importance of children. Even before the Auditorium was built in 1881, a Lyceum was formed for the children. They felt that training of the young was important.

Then, in 1928, the Andrew Jackson Davis Lyceum Building was constructed and given to Lily Dale for the children's use by Mercy Cadwallader. The grounds of the "Children's Acre" featured the Lyceum Building and a beautiful garden with a playground adjacent to the building for the enjoyment of the children.

Today, the Children's Acre also features a basketball court, playground areas, a ball field, and more. All of these areas are in need of continual maintenance, repair, and/or improvement.

In autumn 2011, the Children's Committee formed to address these issues.  The mission of the Children's Committee is to improve the Children's Acre space for Lily Dale’s children and visitors and to make the Children’s Acre into a safe, attractive, and fun place for children and families.
Our committee continually discusses and researches ways to improve the Children’s Acre space, organizes Children’s Acre projects, and raises money for the Children’s Acre Fund.
In April 2012, we launched the Playground Refurbishment Project which included:
  • digging out the old woodchips, laying down commercial grade weed barrier, and putting down new woodchips to the correct safety depth.
  • Painting the old playground equipment
  • Replacing hardware, bolts, and swing chains
Many volunteer hours and months and months of planning went into this project. Manual labor was provided by many volunteers from the Lily Dale community and Cassadaga Job Corps, and the Lily Dale Maintenance Crew. Monetary donations from various individuals and the Children’s Acre Fund have gone toward purchase of new swing chains, new bouncy animals, new sports equipment, and other improvements at the Lily Dale playground and Children’s Acre.

In June 2012, we also made a low cost (virtually no cost) improvement to the Children’s Acre by creating a Natural Play Area with the climbing logs, stepping logs, and stump seats. Natural Play Areas are outdoor spaces designed for play that are made of natural components such as plants, logs, water, sand, mud, boulders, hills and trees. These components represent the larger wild environment in a way that feels safe and manageable to young visitors. A few man-made components might also be carefully integrated to support creative play, encourage confident exploration and help children develop a lasting affinity for the natural world. And we thank Cassadaga Job Corps for also helping us to create this special nature space for the children.

In late June 2012, we installed an official "Children's Acre" sign.  And in June 2012, we installed a new bench and 4-way spring rider.
Visitors to Lily Dale often remark about the wonderful improvements to the play spaces and the addition of the Natural Play area.

Last summer, the Children’s Committee organized a Victorian Ice Cream social fundraiser event to benefit the Children’s Acre Fund. The committee is organizing another Victorian Ice Cream Social for this coming summer 2014.

The LD Children’s Committee also organizes an annual playground clean-up day every spring.

The Lily Dale Children's Committee is currently researching ways to make improvements to the Children's Acre, especially ways to the restore the basketball court, the volleyball court, the ball field, and to add additional play elements for children in the 8-16 age range.

To make these improvements a reality, we are looking for donations of materials, resources, and time from individuals and organizations. 

To donate, feel free to contact me as I am the chairperson of the Children's Committee (and have been for the past three years).  Or send your monetary donation directly to the Lily Dale Assembly office, designating it for the "Children's Acre Fund".  Your generosity can provide the children with updated and safe equipment and repairs.

It is important that Lily Dale maintains kid-friendly spaces.  As a resident and mother, I appreciate having a playground to take my children to.  The houses are close together and personally I have a postage stamp for a yard.  *smile*  Also, I feel it is important that the many visitors to Lily Dale have a place for their children and grandchildren to play. 

Also, please "LIKE" the Lily Dale Children's Acre page on Facebook at: 


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