About four years ago, a representative at Jamestown Community College called me up and requested that I teach for them. So I did. To date, I have taught many subjects there ... auras, spirit guides, meditation, launching your intuition, etc. And it's been great to be part of a community education program and to help people understand their spiritual gifts.
This spring 2010, I will be teaching two classes at the JCC Jamestown NY campus:
This spring 2010, I will be teaching two classes at the JCC Jamestown NY campus:
- "Recognizing Spirit Contact" - April 29th --- Learn techniques to establish and enjoy occasional spirit contact with friends, family, and pets
- "Working with Spirit Guides" - May 6th --- Learn how to meet and interact with spirit guides and understand the ways they enrich our lives
- "Meditation" - April 15th --- learn various forms of meditation, gain insight into your inner self, and discover ways to train the mind and quiet mind chatter during meditation
For more detailed class descriptions, see my website's Coming Events page at: http://www.willawhite.com/coming_events.htm.
I strongly suggest that your REGISTER EARLY for these classes. Call JCC at 716-338-1005. See you in class!