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The Roof of the Mind

If you live in a Northern clime like I do, autumn is the time to shore up the shelter and batten down the hatches before the snow arrives. Similar to squirrels selecting, collecting, and storing nuts for the winter months, my husband and I are rushing to accomplish a long list of outdoor home renovation projects. Roofing is a top priority.

Last winter we endured ice jams on the roof that caused leaks in one section. [It's funny before this I thought of a "leak" as a small drip drip of water, perhaps a small trickle, and very minor. I have since learned that a "leak" can involve a steady rush of water, a vertical stream that might be able to sustain aquatic life. Quite alarming!] So roofing repairs are a must.

To prepare that small section of roof for the brutal onslaught of ice and snow of winter, it was necessary to start from scratch. This involved removing the existing roof of shingles, a large quantity of stubborn nails, and plywood. Ah, the wonderful feeling of accomplishment when you are scraped clean of the old!

Then, the new [and improved] roofing layers could be put down. Our stack of roofing materials consisted of new plywood, new and wellplaced nails, iceguard, new shingles, drip edge, and flashing. With these ingredients, we feel more secure for the coming weather.

As with roofing, every couple of decades [or more frequently depending on the severity of the weather] we must sometimes remove old false beliefs from our minds.

Perhaps you have unnecessary doubts and fears regarding your situation. These false beliefs may be allowing "leaks" to occur in the Roof of your Mind, undermining your best efforts. These false growths cause hurt and erode your happiness. Rip them up! Positively affirm that you are releasing the past easily and gracefully. Feel the clearing and the clarity of thought that seeking with your heart and soul bring you. Choose your new thoughts wisely and lay them down with intention and practice.

Acknowledging the leaks and doing something positive about them can restore hope and faith in your connection with the Universe. The powerful and awesome experience of walking on the Roof of your Mind gives you respect for gravity and God, restoring faith in spiritual heights and your Divine path.


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