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Lessons from a Child: The Perfect Tractor

I am often struck with INSPIRATION in everyday circumstances.  It is as if the clouds part and a beam of light enters into me and I see a positive message in my situation.  I gratefully accept these spiritual insights. 

My children often are part of my discovery, gratitude, and inspirations.  Thomas Kelly in his book “A Testament of Devotion” talks about (page 45) how the “last fruit of holy obedience is the simplicity of the trusting child, the simplicity of the children of God.  It is the simplicity which lies beyond complexity…and on the yonder side of sophistication… it is the beginning of spiritual maturity…and the mark of this simplified life is radiant joy.  As Kelly describes it, “We are called to put our hands trustingly in His hand and walk the holy way, in no anxiety assuredly resting in Him.”
“According to your Faith, be it unto you.”

My children have a book titled “Tractor Factory”. It is a pop-up book with moving paper parts.  Over the years, this book has been read many, many times and the pages have endured the pulls and yanks of little fingers.  Some parts have not remained intact.  So when we were reading this book the other day (again!), I silently bemoaned the fact that it was not whole and complete. 

And when we get to the final page, we are presented with the completed project and the workers are applauding enthusiastically.  And this is the part we read, “And here it is… the perfect tractor.” 
The irony is not lost on me or my children.  After years of yanks and pulls, this “perfect” tractor is missing its’ front and back wheels and its’ back hoe.  A reject of tractor if you ever saw one!

But that day, I felt something different.  Perhaps it was the way my 3 year old read the words with so much pride and belief in the wholeness of this tractor… as if he truly saw the wheels and backhoe there, present and accounted for.  Like that tractor was ready and able to perform mechanical feats and the monumental tasks that big machinery always impresses my 3 year old with.   The cynicism and internal criticism died away.  And a thought came to me that it IS and always WILL be the PERFECT TRACTOR. 

One of the great Spiritual Truths is that each individual (being a concept of the divine Mind) is held in that mind as a PERFECT IDEA.  We have been perfectly conceived and are always held in the perfect mind of God as perfect beings. 

Sometimes we feel like broken down tractors, missing our wheels and abilities to do things, to cope with events… we feel like we’ve told others and sought out help and gone into the factory for an overhaul and still don’t feel “right”.  We may be carrying baggage such as WORRY, gossip, Criticism, Ego, and super sensitiveness.

That is the moment we must remember, “As a Spark of the Divine, I am (and you are) whole and complete with unlimited potential for love, peace, and JOY!”

***excerpt from my 3-12-2017 lecture


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