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Lessons from a Child: Talking about Life and the Soul

Last summer, I served on the Lily Dale summer Season platform with my father William White at the Afternoon Auditorium Service. 
We are often paired together and we both enjoy this.  He was the Featured Speaker and I was the Featured Medium.
My father spoke about the importance of the development of the Soul.  Those who only view life from the Five Senses are missing important experiences and understandings.  Materialists live from this standpoint and ignore the Web of Existence.  Living from the standpoint of the Soul helps us to exhibit altruism, to experience the beauty of the 'unseen', and to be open to Infinite Intelligence and more.
Dad also mentioned something about me.  *smile*  When I was five years old, as he was tucking me in bed for night, I asked "can we talk about life, Daddy?"  From a young age, I was interested in understanding my Soul and Life. 
I find this to be true of my older son. In fact, he asks spiritual questions and participates in meditations with me.  He enjoys exploring various spiritual aspects
This summer, he overheard my mother and I discussing the Thought Exchange.  She was preparing to be the chairperson of the event.  He asked what a Thought Exchange was and I explained it is a meeting where people discuss spiritual Truths, subjects, and concepts by submitting questions and then people from the group that night volunteer their thoughts to answer the questions.  I gave him examples of possible questions:
  • Does the Soul exist?
  • How can we speak to those who have passed/died?
  • Do animals have Souls?
  • How many days did it take God to create the World?  And is Time (such as a day) the same for us as it is for God?
Once he realized he knew the answers to those questions, he decided that he would like to attend the Thought Exchange and help others to know the answers to these questions. 
Never one to get in the way of my child's spiritual education, I hesitated only a moment [mainly because he tends to be shy around strangers and I also thought he might get bored], and then I said, "you will have to ask Grandma if you can attend with her."  And he did!  He called her up and made his request. 
My mother explained to him that he would have to sit still and not fidget.  Also, if he decided that he wanted to leave the event, he would need to tell her and then he could head home.

According to my mother and a friend who attended the event, my son sat calmly, submitted his question (which he also answered), answered other questions intelligently, and at one point in answer to one question, he spoke about a lake in South America the size of the country Luxembourg with over 200 species of animals.  A few minutes before the event ended, he decided he was done and he told my mother he was heading home.  By then, he was bored. 

I am surprised and proud of my son.  At the ripe old age of six (almost 7), he has attended his first Thought Exchange and knows his Soul.  He can speak with confidence on spiritual subjects and apply spiritual truths to his Life Journey.  He is open to learning and discussion about the Soul.  Yay!


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