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Children's Lyceum

I am thrilled to say that the Lyceum program is up and running again in Lily Dale. 

What is Lyceum?  Lyceum is the Spiritualist's version of Sunday school. 

The formation of Lyceums in the United States and the United Kingdom was inspired by Andrew Jackson Davis, an American visionary and lecturer who, in 1863, spoke of the benefit of training youngsters in both worldly and spiritual matters.  Not long after his lecture, some inspired members of the audience established the first 'Children's Progressive Lyceum.'

The word 'Lyceum' comes from the garden in ancient Athens where Aristotle taught philosophy to his followers. And in America, during the 1800's the word 'lyceum' meant a "literary institution, lecture hall or teaching place."

Children's Lyceum classes are designed to create healthy-minded "free thinkers" and include lessons in Spiritual Natural Law, the Golden Rule as well as many others.

The purpose of the Lyceum is to guide children to explore aspects of themselves, values of being a healthy member of community, and Spiritualism.

Activities such as discussion, story telling, creative expression, music appreciation, movement, healthy snack time, and play are offered as ways for children to explore, discover, and make choices for themselves as unique individuals and members of community. Spiritualism is a religion of conviction not conversion. Therefore young people are introduced to aspects of Spiritualism and encouraged to have discussions with their parents as part of their exploration.

Young people (4 years to teens) are welcome to attend the Children's Lyceum program at the Andrew Jackson Davis Lyceum building in Lily Dale on Sunday mornings.  Interested parents can attend the session with their children OR they can attend one of the Sunday morning church services in Lily Dale and pick up their child immediately after the service.

Lyceum sessions are facilitated within a caring, harmonious, fun loving space that encourages mutual respect and understanding of boys and girls of all ages who wish to learn together.  As Andrew Jackson Davis stated “...a child is the repository of infinite possibilities”. 

FYI:  Many other Spiritualist churches offer Children's Lyceum on Sunday mornings - check with your local Spiritualist church for more information. 


Unknown said…
Hello. I would love for my daughter to attend. She's 13. Is that too old? What time are the services?
Willa said…
Thanks for your interest, however the Lyceum program has been on PAUSE the past few years. Not sure when/if it will resume. Depends on whether we find another great Teacher to lead the program. The churches are slowly resuming in-person Sunday services. Time will tell. Blessings to you and your daughter on your spiritual journey!

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