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Contemplation is the practice of stilling ourselves before God, moving ever deeper into the core of our being and simply offering ourselves to God in a totally vulnerable, loving way.  By offering ourselves to God in this way, God leads us into a life of amazing centeredness.  Each day, in this way, we experience a life through which God LIVES IN US for others.

Thomas Kelly (a Quaker missionary, writer, & scholar) explains this concept further: 
"What is here urged are secret habits of unceasing orientation of the deeps of our being about the Inward Light, ways of conducting our inward life so that we are perpetually bowing in worship, while we are also very busy in the world of daily affairs.  A Practicing Christian must above all be one who practices the perpetual return of the soul into the inner sanctuary, who brings the world into its Light and rejudges it, who brings the Light into the world with all its turmoil and its fitfulness and recreates it."
I keep finding myself drawn to the spiritually delicious phrase "the PERPETUAL RETURN OF THE SOUL into the inner sanctuary".  Kelly is describing WHERE contemplation happens.  And then he details HOW: rejudging the world with the Light of the Soul (I read this to mean 'discernment of the Truth rather than past bias') and bringing Light into the world to recreate reality in a positive way.

Whether you are Christian or not, I hope you discern the value and weight of Kelly's words.  We each have the personal responsibility to create our own reality and therefore our own personal happiness and unhappiness.  We also have the added bonus of spreading Light into the world for the greater good.  And this can be done regardless of what human circumstances we find ourselves in.

A loving union with God is the indwelling presence of the Divine in our hearts.  This is not merely a theological concept; it is a vital, intimate, relational reality at the core of our being.  Experiencing the Divine is about practice, rather than dogma or creed.  And daily contemplation is a way to practice the presence of God and to allow God to live through us.

So let the Light of YOUR Soul be filled with the humble awareness of God today.  You are a wonderful expression of Infinite Intelligience and you are awakening to "the breadth, length, height, and depth" (Eph 3:18) of God's true being as well as your own.


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