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The magic of ice cream in the summer

I don't know what it is, but ice cream is *magical* - especially during the summer. Someone can be having a bad day, a dull day, a hectic day, or a great day - and another someone can suggest going for ice cream and the day gets better.

For a funny ice cream story, read my blog post: Falling off the ice cream wagon.

In fact, ice cream is soooo fantastic that there are ice cream shacks dotting the landscape. These special places usually have a wall that is completely taken up by the list of ice cream flavors offered and just enough room inside to house the ice cream, the cones, and a couple of ice cream scoops. I love those places.

For around the same amount that a person would pay for a half gallon of ice cream at the store, you can have one, two, or three scoops of the ice cream(s) of your choice in a cone. [Ice cream sticker shock]

And for some strange reason [that I have not yet discovered], the ice cream tastes better from these places - making the cost worth it.

Folks stand in line for their ice cream treat, eagerly scouring the list of flavors to find a favorite. Then, you are finally at window to declare your choice. And a beautiful stack of an ice cream cone floats toward you.

As the ice cream hits the summer heat, drips form on the exterior of the cone. Your job now is to quickly lick the melting ice cream in order to maintain a mess-free cone.

Frequently, I watch the joy and the relaxed posture of those enjoying their ice cream around me. It's difficult to maintain a serious stance when indulging in ice cream. Silly grins and child-like delight fill the moment. I love watching people find joy in simple pleasures.

Ahhhhhhh, summer.


Anonymous said…
This summer I had the pleasure of eating "Cannoli", "Tiramisu" and "Kahlua Amaretto" ice creams at the Pagoda.(I know it has another name...but it will always be "the Pagoda" to me.)

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