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Lessons from a Child: 'Let me stand where you stand'

My adventurous little boy is enjoying exploring his world. He is also enjoying MY world.

There I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink (minding my own business) when he decided that he wanted to know what it was like to stand exactly where I was standing.

Hanging onto the kitchen cabinets for assistance, he walked his way toward the cabinet under the sink. He then squeezed his little-baby-boy body in between my legs and that cabinet door. Having gained his objective, he stood there quietly nestled in my legs. With his energy and his actions, he was saying, 'Let me stand where you stand.' I could feel his energy reaching out to me, blending with my energy.

Moments passed until I looked down at him. At that same moment, he looked up me. Those adorable blue eyes scanned my face and then he smiled. 'Show me what you see,' he babbled in babyspeak.

With soapy wet hands, I picked him up, helping him grow taller so he could see over the sink edge. Together we looked into the sudsy water. 'Ooooooooooo,' he toned seriously. 'Oooooooooo,' I said back.

So often he expresses delight at being a part of my activities. Whether I am unloading laundry from the dryer, making the bed, cooking a meal, or typing on the computer, his curiousity and sense of togetherness insist that he be included. He is saying:

  • Let me help remove the clothes from this echo chamber. Aaaaaaa! Take a few more shirts out, now the acoustics are better. AAAAAAAAAAA!
  • Let me wiggle and giggle under the sheet while you attempt to straighten it 17 times.
  • Let me stand in the open refrigerator door while you remove the veggies, meat, and other food supplies. I'll take out all the salad dressings, ketchup, mustard, and other containers I can find.
  • Let me squeak open the cabinet doors and take out the bags and boxes of flour, sugar, and rice. Oh, and you want this spaghetti on the floor, right?
  • Let me sit here on your lap while I reach for the computer keyboard, hunting and pecking my very own baby babble message to world.

I hope he never loses that delight and appetite for the world. He is an example of openness and receptivity. He is a reminder to dive deeper into life.

By allowing him to take part in my activities, he is learning about this world, absorbing my reactions to events and situations, and experiencing the energetic ways of connecting with people. I have the very important job [and fabulous joy] of sharing my life [and sharing where I stand] with my child.

I hope you share your life with others. I hope you look with compassion upon others and take a moment to stand where they stand. It's a wonderful lesson in empathy and compassion. And it may help you with your own intuitive abilities too.


Nina said…
I agree, if we all could look at life with new, inquisitive, open eyes and mind. How wonderful, entertaining, and educational life would be (is). Children have no filters yet, they can see things, life for what is without censorship, fear, etc... It is simple Joy, Wonder and Love... Oh to have that wisdom again... open our hearts and minds and ...we do.... Thank you for sharing your wonderful little one and you insights, Joys and Wonders with us. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P.

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