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Showing posts from August, 2009

Q & A: Will our session be a conversation with spirit loved ones?

Q: What happens during a mediumship reading? Will it be a conversation between me and my spirit loved ones? A: Each reading is unique, so I never know what to expect during a reading. As a medium, I open myself with the highest and best intention to receive information from your spirit loved ones. Once we establish contact with a spirit loved one and have established their identity, we can engage them in conversation and ask them questions. Many times, a reading is an opportunity to chat with your family and extended family and maybe a few of your closest friends. It can be a special time for reunion and a sharing of memories. It can be a chance to say "hello" or "I'll see you again" or "I love you". Perhaps it will be a time for making amends and apologies. Or it can be an opportunity for closure and explanation. Or it can a time to receive guidance and opinions from those you trust in Spirit. Or it can be a confirmation of your own experiences with s...

Lessons from a Child: Balance can be virtually effortless

My baby son is fast approaching the stage of walking. He has mastered the Speed of Crawl and now he has learned to hang onto furniture and people in order to keep his balance while walking. With this assisted form of walking, he can travel with amazing agility from the couch to the chair, from the kitchen cabinets to the refrigerator, and from the wall to the door. And I have something exciting to share with you (proud parent moment) . . . I have witnessed him standing on the strength of his own two baby legs without holding onto anything or anyone! I'm sure many of you may be thinking . . . so what? After all, babies go through this developmental stage as a precursor to walking unassisted. *yawn* What I find so fascinating about this particular moment is the following: Because he is focused on the toy, his balance is virtually effortless. Like a little yogi at peace in the Tree yoga pose, he is completely in the 'now moment'. His balance lasts for half a minute or more wh...

Primary Spirit Communicator

During a reading, usually one of the spirits becomes what I call the Primary Spirit Communicator. This spirit loved one will be in charge of the discussion, or may help/allow other spirits to communicate, or may be the only spirit communicator. I say "only spirit communicator" because sometimes one spirit gets on their soapbox and hogs the reading. People roll their eyes or listen gratefully or interject their comments. Usually the Primary Spirit Communicator is a family member (but can sometimes be a close friend). I have noticed that they may possess one or more of the following attributes: strong desire to connect spiritual awareness a forceful personality a guiding influence great love for my client

Baby 'Mirror Neurons'

I just read a fascinating article about how babies' brains work titled Babies' brains 'reach' for toys . This is an occasion when science supports what we already know intuitively and spiritually: we are all connected. Here's the gist of the article . . . Scientists measured the brain activity of 9-month-old babies. The same area of a baby's brain lights up whether the baby reaches for a toy or watchs an adult reach for a toy. The same space. This ability is due to mirror neurons, which fire when we do an action ourselves and when we watch others do a similar action. Let me say that another way. When babies watch people reach for objects, the motor region in their brains gets activated, as if the babies were doing the reaching themselves! [But wait! It gets better.] Scientists also noticed that once babies got used to observing an adult grab the toy, their brain activity occurred prior to the action. I hope you realize why I am excited about this, but allow me...

Lessons from a Child: Telephone Game

I attended a birthday party recently. The event was for a friend turning 34, but with all of the children in attendance you would have thought it was a party for a little girl. The celebration was a huge success. Children and adults fought goodnaturedly over paper plates depicting Disney princesses such as Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Jasmine, and Belle. After much consideration, I ended up with my own princess plate with a generous portion of funfetti cake. With girlie squeals and pink heart pendants containing grape flavored lip gloss, the little girls were having a blast getting the adults to play the Telephone Game. Do you remember that game? The Telephone Game is also known in various parts of the world as broken telephone, whisper down the lane, gossip, silent mail, and telephone without wires. You lean over to your neighbor and whisper a phrase such as "My purple shirt has pizza on it." Your neighbor leans over to their neighbor and passes the phrase on. The ...

Spirit loved ones & the future

Q: Can my spirit loved ones tell you what will happen in my future? A: Because I am a medium , the focus of a session is always on spirit contact --- connecting with a client's loved ones who have passed. A mediumship session is not for fortune telling or future telling. That said, spirit loved ones occasionally share their opinions about people and situations around a client. After all, they care about us and love does not die. Sometimes they will offer what they view as the highest probability of outcome --- the highest probability of how a person will react or how a situation will resolve. This is based on past patterns and the energy at this moment in time. Ultimately, we each have free will to manifest our own future, so nothing is ever 100% certain. Occasionally, those in Spirit can be quite verbal about what they feel is the right thing. But, remember all your dad, mom, brother, grandmother, etc can offer you is an OPINION. You are in charge of your life and your decisions ...


Here's a funny tid-bit for you . . . this happened during a reading recently. After I had brought thru spirit loved ones and they were talking about the people and situations around the client, I sensed and tasted olives. [More fun with clairgustance. Yay!] So I told my client of the impression and asked her, "Who is the olive fanatic?" My client looked at me quizzically for a minute, then said slowly, "I have a very good friend who loves olives." I said, "She LOVES olives and spirit is teasing about how she has to have olives. The olive bar is one of her favorite places." Then my client suddenly exclaimed, "YES! We even went on an Olive Tasting Tour together recently! And I had forgotten about this, she just got a dog and she named the dog Olive!" "Well, now you know what to get her for a gift," I joked. "Olives!" she laughed back.

States of Mental Consciousness

Speaking of vibrational frequency . . . Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high mental action. The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves. They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. You will probably recognize yourself in some of the examples below and how they relate to spiritual awareness. The accepted states of mental consciousness are as follows: Beta: Alert/Working --- When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show h...