Each soul has its own energy signature, much like a fingerprint. As my soul interacts with your soul, we are recognizing each others' energy signature and are more likely to recognize the energy signature again when we interact a second time, a third time, and so on. I believe this is why we are able to recognize our loved ones in Spirit and they us. During my opening prayer, I ask a client's spirit loved ones to join us for the duration of the session. When this request is made, spirits are usually drawn toward their earth plane family and friends like magnets. Consistently, contact is made and communication occurs. Those in Spirit seem to recognize the energy signature and vibrational frequency of their loved ones here in the physical plane. Essentially, they resonant with the energy of those they biologically share DNA with, those they shared time with, and most especially those they love.
My intention is that this blog becomes my spiritual conversation with you --- and a way for you to develop your mediumship and intuitive abilities, gain inspiration, practice intuitive exercises, find spiritual resources, and much more. I started this blog in 2009 and wrote regularly until a few years ago. Check out the Archives to read prior years. Also, the Labels are the various categories of my blog topics. Enjoy! Copyright 2009-present day