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Showing posts from July, 2009

Energy Signature

Each soul has its own energy signature, much like a fingerprint. As my soul interacts with your soul, we are recognizing each others' energy signature and are more likely to recognize the energy signature again when we interact a second time, a third time, and so on. I believe this is why we are able to recognize our loved ones in Spirit and they us. During my opening prayer, I ask a client's spirit loved ones to join us for the duration of the session. When this request is made, spirits are usually drawn toward their earth plane family and friends like magnets. Consistently, contact is made and communication occurs. Those in Spirit seem to recognize the energy signature and vibrational frequency of their loved ones here in the physical plane. Essentially, they resonant with the energy of those they biologically share DNA with, those they shared time with, and most especially those they love.

Vibrational Frequency

It is scientifically understood that energy vibrates at different frequencies. For example, the vibrational frequencies of a chair, a human being, the light from a lamp, or a drop of water are completely different. Dense physical matter has a lower vibrational frequency. Less dense physical matter has a higher vibrational frequency. This scientific principle can be applied to understanding the energy of Spirit, especially the energy of our spirit loved ones. Because we are on the physical plane, our energy vibrates at a lower vibrational frequency. Those on the spiritual planes vibrate at higher vibrational frequency. As mediums, we raise our vibrational frequency to meet the vibrational frequency of those in Spirit. Sometimes it feels like trying to catch the right channel on the radio. Once you have find it, you utilize the highest intention and practice to achieve and maintain the connection with Spirit. This is another reason why it is important to be a clear channel. It is...

Lessons from a Child: Becoming a Master of Distraction

Because my little guy is crawling and getting into everything at the Speed of Baby , I have used the word NO repetitively. No, don't touch that. No, don't eat that. No, don't pull Mommy's hair. No, stop squirming while I am dressing you. No, don't empty the box of spaghetti onto the floor. No, don't balance precariously on top of pillows while tugging at the lampshade. No, NO, nooooooooo! I realize that the word "no" is important for him to hear sometimes, however, I don't want to overuse the word. (Phrases such as "not for baby", "yucky", and "drop it" also equate to NO and can be overused as well.) And more importantly, I do not want to stunt his natural exploratory urge to investigate this amazing world. Therefore, in my effort to be a good parent, I am trying to come up with creative (preferrably nonverbal) ways to refocus his attention on an approved object or activity. As an added challenge, I am trying to handle...

Up & running!

As I mentioned in my Technical difficulties post, I was on a brief hiatus from blogging. Now, I'm back with a brand new computer. It's fantastic to have a computer that WORKS and that isn't as slow as molasses! So get ready for more blogs from me soon!

When songs get stuck

In my last blogpost Falling Off the Ice Cream Wagon , I asked you: "Have you ever heard a song and the tune gets stuck in your head all day? The lyrics roll over and over until you burst out into song, sometimes passing the problem onto family and friends." Supposedly 98% of people have experienced this and it is an actual phenomenon that has been studied at length by scientists, psychologists, and those who market products with those catchy jingles. Some terms used to define, explain, and understand this phenomenon are: Earworm Haunting melody Involuntary musical imagery Repetune Aneurhythm Humbug Stuck song syndrome Melodymania Well, whatever you want to call it --- I guess I invoked it in full force with the ice cream blog because it happened. Story time... My husband was attempting to spoonfeed our baby son. I say 'attempting' because our little guy was squirming and craning his head around to see me working away in the kitchen. "Come on, turn around," m...

Falling off the ice cream wagon

It all started a few days ago during a mediumship reading. I was with a client and we had connected with various family members who had passed to Spirit and then her mother in particular was being very communicative. Then, it happened. Clairgustance. Tasting something. It's not a primary way that I interact with those in Spirit, but I've experienced clairgustance before during spirit contact --- peanut butter, garlic, orange juice, chocolate, lasagna, rhubarb bread, blueberry muffins, peppermint, burnt biscuits (not so nice), swedish meatballs, cherry pie, coffee, and the list goes on. Usually, I can overcome the mouth-watering tastes and impressions that flood me on those occasions. But there I was giving proof to my client that her mother is still loving and connecting with her when she hit me with ice cream. I could taste the mother-in-Spirit's intense desire for ice cream. Yummy, wonderful and refreshing ice cream! I didn't think much of it at first, but that's ...

Lessons from a Child: The Speed of Baby

I am sure you've heard of the Speed of Light. It's one of the fastest things in our universe, along with the Speed of Spirit. Well, I have discovered a close second: the Speed of Baby. Prior to this, if someone had asked me about the speed of baby I would have compared it the speed of a tortoise. Slllloooooooooooowwwwwww. I have since learned not to underestimate babies. In the past month, my baby son has become increasingly mobile. He has figured out how to crawl and pull up to standing. Along with his new found mobility comes a new found independence. Quicker than a jackrabbit, he finds his way into the kitchen cabinets, my reading room, and the laundry basket. He is an avid explorer of his world, delighted by textures, sounds, sights, and tastes. Mother Nature/God/The Creator has seen fit to equip the human baby with almost superhuman abilities. - His baby fingers and drool have crinkled and smeared some of my important papers. When removal is attempted, his baby fist closes...