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Showing posts from August, 2014

Time flies by

The summer Season is flying by!  We have less than two weeks left.  It is incredible how fast the Time goes by.  Whether I am in readings with clients or snatching moments with family, Time seems to be rushing at warp speed.  I blink and hours have gone by.  A friend relayed a Sufi story to me recently about Time, so I am sharing what I recall with you.  Forgive me if I botch things in the retelling :) *** One day, a king asked a Sufi master, "What is Time?  Help me to understand it."   The master said, "Come over to this pool of water and I will show you."   As the king leaned over the water, the master grasped him by the neck and held him under water.  When the king surfaced, he was alone in an open sea.  Eventually, he spotted a fishing boat and swam to it.  The fishermen pulled him from the water.  When he tried to speak with them, he discovered they spoke...