Are you familiar with the Indiana Jones' movie "Raider of the Lost Ark"? In the opening scene, our hero/archaelogist Jones confronts hordes of deadly tarantulas, dodges poison darts and light-sensitive impaling spikes, and swings across a deep chasm (with the help of Jones' trademark bullwhip), in order to reach a small golden idol on a booby-trapped altar. After carefully replacing the priceless artifact with a small sack of dirt of what he estimates to be the same weight, Jones soon realizes that he has miscalculated. The switch triggers thundering tremors and the huge altar collapses. Jones exit from the temple is even more dramatic as the scene climaxes with a huge boulder rolling down an overhead track on its way to seal the cave entrance, crushing all in its path. Our hero narrowly escapes by leaping to safety outside the cave just ahead of the juggernaut. This action-packed sequence replays in my mind as I finish coaxing my newbo...
My intention is that this blog becomes my spiritual conversation with you --- and a way for you to develop your mediumship and intuitive abilities, gain inspiration, practice intuitive exercises, find spiritual resources, and much more. I started this blog in 2009 and wrote regularly until a few years ago. Check out the Archives to read prior years. Also, the Labels are the various categories of my blog topics. Enjoy! Copyright 2009-present day