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My life as a turkey

I just watched a great PBS documentary titled "My Life as a Turkey".  Based on a true story, this hour-long film recounts the experiences of Joe Hutto as he raises a group of wild turkey hatchlings to adulthood.  It was amazing!

As a wild turkey "parent", Joe gained special access to a whole world of wildlife interaction and a rare glimpse into the animal kingdom.  Throughout the course of raising the imprinted turkeys, he did not have human contact because he needed to be on hand for his brood.  And he kept a thorough journal of his experiences which was published as the book "Illumination in the Flatwoods" and later recreated in the PBS film "My Life as a Turkey". 

I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but I wish to mention some main points of interest for me. 

Joe mentions that the wild turkeys chicks "know" what bugs to eat, what predators to stay away from, and what animals are friendly.  I feel that these chicks intuitively know these things on a genetic level but also as intuitive level.  Perhaps they feel the vibrational frequency of the predators and other animals and understand their intent.

He also notices that the turkeys are "disturbed" on their daily walks when they notice a newly fallen branch of a tree and especially disturbed when they discover the stump of tree that has been cut 15-20 years before.  The turkeys spend an extraordinary amount of time clucking over the stumps and branches (thankfully edited down for the movie).  Again, perhaps they are reading the residual energy of those spaces.

Along the way, those turkeys taught Joe (and all of us who were along for the journey vicariously) about being in the moment. 

I highly recommend this movie.  I checked the movie out from the local library and watched it with my husband and son. We were mesmerized by the story and gorgeous filming.  The hour flew by.  Watching those turkey hatchlings interact with their world and mature into fully fledged turkeys was educational and fun. 

Here is a link to the PBS website so you can watch the movie online:


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