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A taste of Lily Dale

We had a great class on Wednesday night.  The vast majority of the attendees had never been to Lily Dale before and the handful of people who had been before only came in for a reading or a walk around the Dale, so the entire group had never attended a public message service or a healing service before. 

I welcomed them to Lily Dale and to the "Lily Dale Experience".  Then, I proceeded to explain about Spiritualism, Mediumship, Spiritual Healing, and a little of Lily Dale's background, what happens during the Season and the off-Season, and what opportunities are available to them here at Lily Dale.

We then attended the Community Healing Service at the Healing Temple here in Lily Dale.  The service consists of a healing portion, a spirit message portion, and some hymns and prayers.  I served as both a healer and a medium that night. 

After the service, our class stayed behind for Q&A.  My students were very curious about various aspects of mediumship.  Some shared about their own experiences with spirit communication.  Others asked about how mediumship works, how messages are received, dream visitations from spirit loved ones, and more.

One lady I gave a message to asked me "How did you DO that?"  Prior to this evening, she had been a non-believer and now she knew that spirit communication was real.  Her father came through from spirit and gave identifiers of physical condition and personality.  He also mentioned what she is doing with her mother right now and encouraged her.  She truly needed this confirmation of his presence around her.

With another lady, I brought through her grandparents and they presented with physical characteristics, personality traits, and completely in line with her experience with them.  The grandparents also mentioned an important date right around Halloween, but not Halloween (such as 10/30 or 11/1).  She confirmed that her birthday is October 30th, the day before Halloween.  This was spirit's way of acknowledging her birthday.  Her sister was attending the class with her and was a bit envious that the grandparents didn't speak with her too, but she was delighted for her sister. *smile*

Another attendee asked me why she felt an intense heat coming from the healer's hand and saw a beautiful white light during her time on the healing bench.  I explained that this was her way of perceiving the healing energy as it came in contact with her body and spirit.  She was amazed!

Thank you to all who attended the class.  I enjoyed meeting you and some of your loved ones in Spirit.  And I am happy that I could be part of your spiritual journey!

The class was sponsored by JCC Continuing Education Department and the Chautauqua Visitors Bureau.


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