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Showing posts from August, 2016

Featured Medium 8-15-2016 Afternoon Service in Auditorium

On Monday August 15th, I will be the Featured Medium at the afternoon church service in Lily Dale.    During the summer season, the afternoon services are held in Lily Dale's historic Auditorium starting at 2:30 p.m. The Auditorium platform has been a place for speakers of spiritual philosophy, social causes, and Spiritualism. Several big names have spoken there - Susan B. Anthony, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and more! I have had the honor of speaking on the summer platform for over a decade. For those of you who are not familiar with this service, here is a basic outline for this one hour event: Lecture from the featured speaker - on this particular date, Tom Cratsley will present a lecture on a spiritual subject. Messages from Spirit - demonstrations of mediumship are presented by the medium (me, this Sunday). Music - songs with live music accompaniment (hopefully from our very historic and beautiful pipe organ) So there you go - if you are coming to the service, you will

Q&A: Tingles during healing

Q:  The last 2 times I have given my Mom Reiki - I have gotten a strange sensation across my face.  It starts on the left side and feels as if someone is near, but then it starts to feel like pin pricks and it travels across the bridge of my nose.  The last time it became kinda uncomfortable.  I haven't been able to figure out if I'm being told to stop- too much energy, or my face is bothering( she has trigeminal neuralgia), or what I need to know.  When I stop giving Reiki, it stops.  Any thoughts?  Many times I have felt someone is touching my face, but the pin pricks is something new.  Thanks, V A:  During healing, it is very normal for the healer to have enhanced spirit awareness and/or physical sensations (especially touches and tingles).  Most likely you are picking up on something your mother is processing physically (such as the trigeminal neuraligia).  The touches are your spirit healers letting you know they are helping to clear the issue from your mother during you