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Autumn splendor in the woods

This morning, my feet took me into the Leolyn Woods and its' autumn splendor. 

Orange and yellow carpeted the ground.  Dark brown, gray, and mossy green surrounded me to the sides and blue sky peeked at me from above.  The crisp leaves crunched underfoot and the morning sun glinted through the trees. 

I felt a hush within me and a happy sense of human solitude yet communion with Nature.  In this space, there are no demands.  And I noticed the difference in my own energy.  My aura didn't feel oversensitized by interactions with others and I could feel it clearing and getting bigger in this safe space.  With only the trees as company, I relaxed.

Eventually, I arrived at Inspiration Stump and sat down on the front bench.  I looked up at the cathedral of tall trees overhead, remembering their green leaves of summer.  Now, the ancient trees were releasing those leaves. 

With the help of the breezy autumn winds, yellow leaves danced downward, spinning and twirling lazily, and angling toward me along the morning sunbeams. Like golden messages, they wafted my way.

I imagined notes written on the leaves in tiny little script, just for me  --- notes of love, support, renewal, and healing from the Divine.  And then I realized that it wasn't my imagination.  The notes were real and decipherable by the Rosetta Stone in my possession (my Soul) as gifts from Spirit.

Messages are all around us, especially during this season.  In your own journeys, I hope you take the time to enjoy this beautiful autumn and the messages of Peace and Healing for yourself. 


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