On Wednesday May 11th, I will be teaching "Recognizing Spirit Contact", a non-credit course, sponsored by Jamestown Community College. Would you like to recognize the ways your loved ones in Spirit are communicating with you? Do you receive signs or other communication from them already and want to understand them more? Participants will learn about the senses used to perceive spirits, the ways in which mediumship facilitates spirit contact through right practice and intention, and techniques to establish and enjoy occasional contact with friends, family, and pets. Join me for a lively evening of looking at the ways the ‘dead’ communicate with us as well as learn techniques that can foster contact. You may be your own best medium. For more info about the class, visit http://www.willawhite.com/ . The course meets from 6-8 p.m. at the Jamestown JCC Campus. To register for the class, contact JCC’s Center for Continuing Education at 716-338-1005. Tuition is $29. Hope
My intention is that this blog becomes my spiritual conversation with you --- and a way for you to develop your mediumship and intuitive abilities, gain inspiration, practice intuitive exercises, find spiritual resources, and much more. I started this blog in 2009 and wrote regularly until a few years ago. Check out the Archives to read prior years. Also, the Labels are the various categories of my blog topics. Enjoy! Copyright 2009-present day