Spring has arrived early in Lily Dale! The crocuses and snowdrops are in full bloom. Last week, we had three days of temperatures in the 60s and 70s. The sunshine has been beautiful and the spring showers have been a welcome change from snowflakes. This winter has been a cakewalk compared to the prior years. Not to sound dramatic, but Winter in Lily Dale is usually pretty brutal with DEEP snows, frigid temperatures , and almost unrelenting shoveling. (It is not officially the Artic circle, but many days during the last two winters felt like it! *smile*) It feels glorious to be outside walking the streets of Lily Dale, taking my children to the playground, and seeing geese and swans swimming on Cassadaga Lake again. Today, after raking our yard, my sons wanted to take a walk down to the lake to wade in the water and pick up litter (one of our 'good deeds' for the day). Equipped with rainboots, long sticks, and a few small trash bags, we ventured down to the lake.
My intention is that this blog becomes my spiritual conversation with you --- and a way for you to develop your mediumship and intuitive abilities, gain inspiration, practice intuitive exercises, find spiritual resources, and much more. I started this blog in 2009 and wrote regularly until a few years ago. Check out the Archives to read prior years. Also, the Labels are the various categories of my blog topics. Enjoy! Copyright 2009-present day