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Showing posts from April, 2010

Lessons from a Child: Puddles are for splashing

April showers bring May flowers . . . and big wet puddles. The spring rains have filled up the holes and low spots in the road and created beautiful big puddles. Normally, I would have dismissed the puddles overall, occasionally noticed a random puddle for its mirrorlike surface, and generally avoided them by going around or leaping over, and moving on. Now, my son won't let me. All that wet stuff beckons to him and he runs in with a little squeal of delight to splish and splash. Without regard for the water temperature or his footwear, he tap dances a little patter of joy in a few inches of water. Slap-slap. Slap-slap-squish, water squirts and fountains below him. His pant legs are soaked up to his little knees and he is laughing and grinning with glee to match Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain . He has so much fun doing this that I have purchased rain boots so he has appropriate gear for his latest hobby. And I've caught myself thinking, when did I stop splashing in puddles?

Distinguishing between your thoughts and spirits

Q: In studying mediumship, how does one also tell the difference from the mind chatter of our own thoughts and true communication from spirit loved ones? A: The ability to distinguish between the thoughts coming from the self and the thought which come from spirit is sometimes very hard to ascertain in the early days of mediumship development. Practice is the only way. First identify and know what is yours. In other words, before engaging in meditation or mediumship sessions, I frequently: Take stock of my body (I take note of any sensations, wellness, and/or pain in my body) Have awareness of my own thoughts at this time (what mundane thoughts and events are happening in my life) Knowing yourself helps to establish a benchmark for your consciousness and allows you to put those sensations and thoughts aside as yours. It is important for an aspiring medium to possess a mind that is strong, purposeful, and capable of self-knowledge and self-discipline. Now that you have established what

Proof of the Continuity of Life

As Spiritualists, we often use the phrase "proof the continuity of Life." Spiritualism offers this proof through mediumship. EVIDENCE is provided by the communicating spirit loved ones to prove their continued existence beyond the change called 'death'. Kinds of evidence that prove the continued existence of a loved one: Male or female Relationship to client - family members, friends, mentors, teachers, others Description - size or build, hair clothes, distinguishing features Behavior or activity Objects linked to loved one - ring, watch, china, furniture, books, tools, flowers, and other things Health condition before passing - cancer, stroke, heart attack Situation around passing - accident, recent passing, other circumstances Concerns of client with regard to passing - things unsaid, financial or family issues, other concerns History of loved one - origins, orphaned, other facts Name Personality Voice - accent, warmth, other features Words used by loved one Colors


Attunement is the first objective of the developing medium for creating a Sacred Connection. By seeking alignment of your mind, body, and spirit, you reach a deeper space of knowing that comes from feeling unity with the Divine Source. Those practicing attunement may: aspire for growth and development (spiritual intention) meditate daily (to experience a quieting and clearing of the everyday consciousness, to practice self-discipline, to make a habit of connecting with Divine self and Spirit) be actively involved in self-care (health of mind, body, and spirit) express honesty and compassion for self and others (in accordance with Spiritual Natural Law) embrace learning opportunities (soul contracts with family, friends, others; teaching mentors; life events) Eventually, attunement becomes a part of your daily spiritual practice. Because of your practice and intention, you have a better understanding of the workings of the Universe and your Divine place in this World. You have a prayerf

Workshop "The 5 Cs and the Language of Spirit" on 4-10-10

This Saturday, I will be teaching a Mediumship Development workshop as part of the Spiritual Training Enlightenment Program (STEP) of the Church of the Living Spirit of Lily Dale, NY. "Mental Mediumship - Applying the 5 Cs and the Language of Spirit" Saturday April 10, 2010 2:00 p.m. *** In this class, we will discuss the 5 Cs as they relate to mediumship and explore ways that spirits communicate specific information. This workshop offers a wonderful hands-on opportunity to clarify your mediumship strengths and practice the principles of spirit contact. Geared toward developing intermediate student mediums, the workshop is the second class in a 6 week series with open enrollment, so you may attend this class by itself or take the whole series. Call me at 716-595-3755 if you would like to join us for a fun, informative class!!! ***For those interested in attending, I am also notifying you of a change of class time. Our class will begin at 2:00 p.m. Originally scheduled for

Main teaching points of Spiritualism

Because Spiritualism is a science, a philosophy, and a religion, it is a religion of self-mastery, consolation, joy, and most importantly a religion of knowledge not belief. Spiritualists believe that there is an intelligience which is greater than the human mind can conceive, but they go further and say that they know that there is an Infinite Force working in this vast universe, of which we are all a part. Here are some main teaching points of Spiritualism: We believe in God. (sometimes also referred to as Infinite Intelligience) We believe that God is all there is. The spark of divinity dwells within each individual. Man is a soul, animated by spirit, occupying a body with a mind to serve him. Life is Eternal. Death is not cessation of life but a change of condition. Personality continues after the change called death. Those who have passed over are not sleeping but are awake and conscious. Spiritual progression is eternal and infinite. Communication between all planes of existe

Spring 2010 JCC Classes - sign up now!

About four years ago, a representative at Jamestown Community College called me up and requested that I teach for them. So I did. To date, I have taught many subjects there ... auras, spirit guides, meditation, launching your intuition, etc. And it's been great to be part of a community education program and to help people understand their spiritual gifts. This spring 2010, I will be teaching two classes at the JCC Jamestown NY campus: "Recognizing Spirit Contact" - April 29th --- Learn techniques to establish and enjoy occasional spirit contact with friends, family, and pets "Working with Spirit Guides" - May 6th --- Learn how to meet and interact with spirit guides and understand the ways they enrich our lives And this past winter, a representative from the North County JCC campus called me to request I teach at their venue in Dunkirk NY: "Meditation" - April 15th --- learn various forms of meditation, gain insight into your inner self, and discov