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Restful Alertness & Pure Awareness

In the late 1960s, a UCLA physiologist named R. Keith Wallace proved besides its spiritual implications, meditation had profound effects on the body.  He was the first to show through his research that sitting in meditation with the eyes closed induces the nervous system to enter a state of "restful alertness" --- the mind remains awake while the body goes into a deeply relaxed state. 

When first discovered, the state of restful alertness became a curiousity in the medical professon because rest and alertness had previously been considered opposites.  [I know many of my students and clients who are not regular meditators may also consider it to be a paradox. *smile*]

Wallace found that these opposites were united in meditation. His test subjects went into a state of rest TWICE as deep as deep sleep and yet remained alert enough to push a button every time they felt the experience of 'pure awareness'.  In fact, they did so very quickly, usually within 10 minutes after shutting their eyes, compared to the 4 to 6 hours it takes us to reach our deepest relaxation in sleep.

'Pure awareness' is usually associated with Yoga because the aim of Yoga is to unite the thinking mind with its SOURCE of pure awareness.  For many, this means quantum space - the silent, empty void that is the womb of all matter and energy - and Deepak Chopra explains it so eloquently, pure awareness exists in the gap between thoughts and "is the unchanging background against which all mental activity takes place".

As you practice meditation, you will notice a sense of increasing calm and inner silence.  Although many people think that it takes years of practice to attain a deep meditational state, students of meditation notice that mantras and other techniques help to quickly produce profound relaxation and significant changes in the body chemistry. 

I encourage you to enter into Restful Alertness and Pure Awareness.  Allow yourself to relax deeply into a communion with your soul and the Divine.  Namaste.


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