I can hardly believe it's time to do this alreadly, but I am lining up my Autumn 2012 classes. JCC has contacted me and they want my course descriptions and class dates.
This is where YOU come in...
Over the years, I have offered a variety of spiritual development classes, such as:
This is where YOU come in...
- What class or classes would you like me to teach this autumn?
- I am also curious if you have taken a class with me before. If so, which one(s)? (For a list, see below.)
- What day of the week works best for you? (Typically the class is 2-3 hours on an evening, but I am open to a different format.) What day(s) are you more likely to attend my class?
- What kind of spiritual development classes are you interested in taking in the future?
Over the years, I have offered a variety of spiritual development classes, such as:
- Meditation
- Getting Mediumship Results
- The Spiritual Dimensions of Alzheimers
- Positive Affirmations
- Recognizing Spirit Contact
- 20 Wishes
- Lily Dale History - onsite at Lily Dale
- The Lily Dale Experience - onsite at Lily Dale
- Victorian Spiritualism
- Psychometry
- Auras
- Advanced Auras
- Launching Your Intuition
- Getting to Know Your Spirit Guides
- The Game of Life and How to Play It
- Parts of the Soul
- Your Sacred Self
- The Power of Embodied Prayer