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Forgiveness & Grace: Part Two

(continued from Part One)

As the Father forgives us freely—showering us with Grace—so we should forgive others (see the Lord's Prayer, Mt. 6:12). Forgiving others is often the most important thing we can "do unto them," but the least recognized.

And this makes sense to me because ….

Our souls are utterly devoid of jealousy, hatred, suspicion, and criticism. Retaliation and revenge are no part of the Cosmic Plan and Purpose (which is Love’s Infinite Forgiveness).

Our trespasses are forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us. How can we expect forgiveness while we still hate someone? Forgiveness begins with me, you, us!

It is easy to forgive with the lips, but how truly divine to forgive with the whole heart. We have not really forgiven if we still remember the old hurts and still talk about it. Therefore, we know that we have not really forgiven until w have forgotten.

We must forgive with such complete abandon that we can never recall the incident again. That we entertain no inward sense of guilt, shame or condemnation about ourselves or others. Say with me: Gladly, gratefully, I forgive myself as I would another.

As J. Lowery Fendrich explains… “When we realize our oneness with God, with all men, then forgiveness is the natural expression of our love for all men.”

Forgiveness is the key to resurrection and ascension. Resenting anything or anybody only fills the system with poison, cuts off supply and blocks real progress. Resentment restricts, while Love releases.

Through Kindness and Forgiveness we embrace the Golden Rule and move into a space of Grace.

According to Hindu devotional literature available throughout India, GRACE is the ultimate key required for spiritual self-realization. The ancient sage Vasistha, in his classical work Yoga Vasistha, considered GRACE to be the only way to transcend the bondage of lifetimes of karma. 

And Vasistha is absolutely correct!  Spiritual Natural Law states that the Law of Grace transcends the Law of Karma.  Isn't that incredibly wonderful?

Grace is a gift from God and grace and forgiveness are gifts we can give each other. We have been given the opportunity to know and love the Divine - to experience a lifetime of growth and celebration.

Bottomline:  Allow the magnificence of Divine Grace to penetrate into your awareness, transcending all --- for as we learn and grow we reach a state of supreme grace.


Judy said…
Wow, Willa! This is a new concept for me. Everything I have ever read about forgiveness has stated that forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. I can forgive and not be hateful, leaving judgement up to God, but forgetting? I'm not sure how one does that, to do so is truly Divine Grace. I have much to ponder and learn.

I was able to follow your JVP chat up to the point of when you started to discuss Grace. I thought I would be able to go back and view it again, but they are redesigning that part of the site. I think I missed something important. I did enjoy what I did get to attend. Thank you
for the chat and your blog. I look forward to your posts.

Many Blessings,
Judy L
Many Blessings
Willa said…
Thanks for your comment, Judy L :) We are all eternal students. I'm glad you were able to attend the chat seminar - what a great group!
Andy Walton said…
Hi, Willa. You quote J. Lowery Fendrich in this blog. What is the source material? I'm interested because I am pastor of the church in Washington DC where he was pastor from 1938-1944.
Willa said…
Hi, Andy :) It must be from a New Thought book I was reading at the time. Unfortunately, I cannot recall what book...If it comes to me, I will certainly post the title and information.

How wonderful that you are interested in the history of your church and Fendrich's inspirational words!

Many blessings,

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