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My husband caught a fish

My husband caught a fish.

We were camping near a big beautiful lake in the Adirondacks last week, so we made sure we had our fishing gear with us.  After making camp, we decided to go fishing for our dinner.

So there we were... fishing ... my husband (who is teaching me to fish), my son (who is almost 3 now and who is also teaching me to fish), and me.  My husband spends most of our 'family fishing' time tending to the needs of his family.  The scenario usually unfolds thusly:

My husband carefully selects and places lures onto our fishing lines and just about the time he is about to pick up his own fishing pole.... my son or I get our line snagged in a tree... then just after he has extracted it and replaced the lost lure... the other one of us gets our line snagged on a log... this continues for awhile until we work out the kinks...and we're finally casting the line out correctly, getting a smooth feel for it again, and feeling proud...

and then finally

my husband gets to fish
without interruption for oh about five or ten minutes
when it happens again

so it truly is a miracle that he caught a perfect 14 inch big mouth bass for our dinner.

And this fish was made possible by serendipity.

You see, my husband explained to me that fishing is about getting the right lure to wiggle in just the right way to attract the right fish.  He also told me that you have to land that lure in the immediate vicinity of that right fish because the fish won't swim across the lake just to check out the possibility of your lure. You have to bring the lure to the fish at just the right time when the fish is hungry and ready to bite.

Sounded like a whole lot of 'rights' to me... I was getting hungry so I asked God to bring the divine right fish in divine right timing to us.  I put it in God's hands because I figured that all we could do was hold onto the fishing poles and do our best.  I was asking God for that which was ours by divine right.

That is when we noticed that two beautiful loons were gliding on the lake with their baby loon.  We watched as they gathered up fish by diving down into the water, then surfacing several yards away.  Soon the three loons were driving the fish toward our shore until we could see the fish biting and jumping for bugs in the water.  My husband understood this as the synchronistic moment and put his line in, dancing the line in the water, reeling in, then casting again.

With my husband's skill and God's help via the loons, a fish arrived. 

You should have seen me scrambling with a bucket for the fish.  Such an exciting moment!  And such happy smiles on our faces to be part of serendipity.  I give thanks for this blessing.


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