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Beach bliss at the Snow Beach

Here I am in Lily Dale in the heart of winter.  We have had windchills that make it below zero at times and snow up to our crown chakras.  Jack Frost and Old Man Winter seem to enjoy visiting our part of the world a lot and they are guests that are very demanding physically (I think the snowshovel is still frozen to my mitten).   So when the wintery blasts are at their most fierce, my meditations start to take on a decidedly tropical theme --- I go to the BEACH and bliss out. 

Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to visit a few of the beaches in my time here on the Earth plane.  At first glance, one might think that all beaches are the same -- just an accumulation of sand and water.  But for me, it is so much more.

A beach is where land and water and sky meet.  A beach is magical.  And each beach is unique - some have:
  • course gravel-like sand that is perfect for hatching sea turtles
  • pure white sand that doesn't hold heat so you don't have to worry about scorched feet
  • perfectly shaped half sea shells
  • twisted, corkscrew-looking shells
  • seaweed and seafoam clumping at the edge
  • shark teeth (these petrified pieces can sometimes be difficult to catch in the wash of an incoming wave)
  • shallow waters so that you can walk in water below your knees for a mile.
  • sharp drop-offs into a watery abyss
  • starfish and sand dollars
  • white, green, brown, or black sand
  • pelicans, seagulls, and sandpipers
  • amazing aqua blue water that is crystal clear
  • palm trees
  • sand dunes
  • dolphins
  • places to write and draw in the sand
  • sandcastles and laughing children
And the sky changes everything.
  • The surreal haze of light and water creates a place with no horizon
  • Litttle puffs of cloud sail in the sky about the boats bobbing in the ocean waves
  • Gray clouds part to reveal "God's eye" and sun streams down in thick rays of light
Yes, during this harsh cold months of winter it's nice to visit my tropical "happy place" in my meditations. 

During my shoveling, I imagine I'm scooping beach sand that has been heated by the warm sun.  My son eagerly assists me (he has his own little shovel and takes great delight in clearing the snow too).  Sometimes he brings out his trucks&tractors and plays in the snow like he's playing at the beach.  He knows how to enjoy our "snow beach". *smile* 

And in the hot days of summer, I shall remember the refreshing cool temperatures of winter and give thanks for the opportunity to experience the best in any season.


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