Recently, I posted a Poll Question and asked you to submit your answer and a few of you did. I also told you that I would be submitting my answer in about a week. As promised, here it is! *smile*
Q: Regarding spirit contact, are spirits more likely have effective and evidential communication with happy-joyful people or sad-depressed people? (Bonus question: And why?)
My answer: In my experience, spirits are more likely to have effective and evidential communication with happy-joyful people than with sad-depressed people.
Based on spiritual natural law and especially on vibrational frequency, JOY is the clear winner. When we raise our vibration and experience happiness and joy we are resonating in closer frequency to those in Spirit.
Typically, the aura of a sad-depressed person is closed off to energy (including love). Sometimes people are angry and this produces what I call the Porcupine Effect. Jagged spikes surround the person like a fortress. This keeps out energy and information from spirit loved ones. Situations are interpreted as negative, bad, and hopeless.
Typically, the aura of a balanced and happy person is open to energy (especially love). Conscious connection with the Divine and intuition are evident and spirit contact happens easily. These folks usually have more faith in their path and that things will work out for the Highest and Best.
Q: Regarding spirit contact, are spirits more likely have effective and evidential communication with happy-joyful people or sad-depressed people? (Bonus question: And why?)
My answer: In my experience, spirits are more likely to have effective and evidential communication with happy-joyful people than with sad-depressed people.
Based on spiritual natural law and especially on vibrational frequency, JOY is the clear winner. When we raise our vibration and experience happiness and joy we are resonating in closer frequency to those in Spirit.
Typically, the aura of a sad-depressed person is closed off to energy (including love). Sometimes people are angry and this produces what I call the Porcupine Effect. Jagged spikes surround the person like a fortress. This keeps out energy and information from spirit loved ones. Situations are interpreted as negative, bad, and hopeless.
Typically, the aura of a balanced and happy person is open to energy (especially love). Conscious connection with the Divine and intuition are evident and spirit contact happens easily. These folks usually have more faith in their path and that things will work out for the Highest and Best.